
crateri sommitali etna accessibili

Accessible summit craters.

Excursions to the summit craters of Etna were reopened with the union ordinance No. 3 of the Municipality of Nicolosi on 9-April-2019. We remind you that you can access the top of the volcano only if accompanied exclusively by Alpine … Read More

eruzione bottoniera 2018

New etna eruption 12/24/18

Today, 12/24/18 at 11:00, a system of fractures opened at the eastern base of the South-East crater in the direction of Valle del Bove, marked by a strong seismic activity. In the morning after the initial phase of emission of … Read More

Anelli di fumo Etna

Smoke Rings 7 December 2018

Eruzione Etna Agosto 2019

New eruption etna 08/23/2018

From 20.10 yesterday evening, 08/23/2018, an eruptive activity started from the South-East crater.


The Etna South Alpine Guide Group and the Etna Cableway, in collaboration with the Municipality of Nicolosi organize the SUNSET TORCH to commemorate the old Etna Guides and Dr. Gioacchino Russo. Participation allowed to all mountain lovers, provided with adequate … Read More